Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

By Mufti Asif Abdullah Qadri
REALITY OF POLYTHEISM (Associating Partners with Allah)
"Allah, in the name of the most Merciful, ever Beneficent."
All praise is for Allah Ta'ala Who blessed His Beloved Prophet Mohammad (saw) with His Holy Book the Qur’an, which is a perfect and final guidance forever. The Qur’an is a marvellous miracle offered to the Beloved of Allah, the last Prophet Mohammad(saw).
It is the Qur’an that melted the heart of Hazrat Umar and made him an eternal slave of Allah and His Beloved Prophet(saw) . It is the truth, depth and influence of the Qur’an that brought Hazrat Zubair bin Mat'am to the obedience of Allah and His Prophet(saw) and he kept himself at the feet of the Prophet of Mercy forever.
Allah Ta'ala revealed this most sacred Qur’an upon the most sacred heart of Prophet Muhammad(saw) as a light of eternal guidance and warmth to mankind and jinns and thus, the sacred spring of knowledge from the valleys of Faraan paved the path for rivers that satiated the thirst for knowledge of many unknown insignificant people, who after getting their thirst of knowledge satiated by the Qur’an through Beloved of Allah, achieved fame and respect and such grandeur that whenever we mention their names we also say " " (with whom Allah Almighty is pleased). This confirms success not only in this world but also in the world hereafter.
The Qur’an is the Book of Allah and is free of doubts. It is firm and clear evidence, a glowing light and a cure. It is guidance for all. It confirms and certifies previous Holy books. It is sacred, detailed and authentic and gives minute details of all aspects of issues.
It invites one to ponder over it but every reader of the Qur’an cannot understand it correctly and every shallow sighted person cannot figure out its depth as the Qur’an itself explains:
"Allah sends astray many by it and guides many..."
(Surah Al Baqarah, verse 26)
The question arises, why do many people go astray by reading the Qur’an?
The true scholars of Islam say that many readers of the Qur’an read it by using eyes but their dark hearts do not receive the light of the Qur’an thus they interpret wrong meanings and translate it's verses incorrectly and go astray.
A group of people from a past era have been discussed in the books of Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah and other books. This group of people used to accept certain verses of the Qur’an but denied other verses.
Imam Abdur Rehman bin Jauzi Albaghdadi (Died: 597 AH) wrote a famous book "Talsabees e Iblees" 800 years ago in Arabic language and Ibn e Jauzi has discussed the Kharjee group in it.
He says Kharjees are the group of people who appeared during the reign of Hazrat Ali . Kharjees used to recite the Kalimah, offered prayers, recited the Qur’an and worshipped with such enthusiasm that when Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas saw this group he said,'
"I have not seen a group busier in worship than this group. Their foreheads were marked due to constantly prostrating in prayers."
This group in fact seriously misunderstood Qur’an and went astray. They put blame of committing SHIRK on Hazrat Ali (Astaghfirullah). They declared that Hazrat Ali has gone out of Islam (Astaghfirullah).
They misunderstood this verse of Quran:
"The only decision Maker is Allah"
Once Hazrat Ali assigned the duty of deciding a dispute to someone but the Kharjees said that only Allah could decide the issue.
The real meaning of the verse is that the Will of Allah is behind every decision.
Hazrat Ali sent Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas to convince the Kharjees.
Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas went and inquired as to what had happened. Why did they blame the companions of Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam of committing Shirk?
The Kharjees, who recited the Kalimah and used to worship very efficiently, went astray by misunderstanding the Qur’an. They said, "Allah has said that He decides the issues then why did Hazrat Ali appoint someone else to decide the issue.
Hazrat Ibn Abbas Radiallaho Ta’ala Anhuma said, "If I prove from the Qur’an that an issue can be decided by an appointed person, will you people dissolve your blame of shirk on Hazrat Ali ?” They said, "Yes, we will agree with you."
Hazrat ibn e Abbas recited the verse 35 of Surah Nisaa:
"And if you fear a dispute between husband and wife, then appoint an arbiter from the side of the family of man and an arbiter from the side of the family of woman; if these two will desire reconciliation, then Allah will cause unity between them. Undoubtedly, Allah is Aware."
Then Hazrat Ibn Abbas said, "O Kharjees! Allah Himself is appointing two persons to decide the issue. If it was Shirk (associating partners with Allah), then Allah would not have approve it Himself in the Qur’an.
"Inil Hukmo Illa Lilah" means the real power of decision is in the hands of Allah but Allah carries them out through human beings. Even after this clear evidence, a majority of the stubborn and obstinate Kharjees were not convinced. Only few of them understood Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas’ point of view.
Surah E Hud, verse 88
"He said, "O my people! What is your opinion - if I am on a clear proof from my Lord and He has bestowed me with an excellent sustenance from Him (shall I ignore all this?); and the matter I forbid you to do, I do not wish that I myself act against it; I only intend to make improvements as far possible; my guidance is only from Allah; I rely only upon Him and towards Him only do I incline."
Kharjees were regular worshippers of Allah but by misunderstanding the Qur’an and moreover by considering Hazrat Ali as Mushrik (Astaghfirullah) Kharjees went out of the folds of Islam and thus lost faith.All those who misunderstand go out of the circle of Islam.
There is no contradictions among verses of Qur’an, rather one verse supports and explains another verse but those people who misunderstand Qur’an may consider few verses contradictory to one another (astaghfirullah)
Surah e Taubah verse 129:
"Then if they turn away say, "Allah suffices me; there is no worship except for Him; only Him have I trusted, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne."
If someone reads above verse, he may think that considering someone as a helper except for Allah will be rejection of another verse of Qur’an:
Surah Anfal, verse 64:
"O Prophet! The communicator of the hidden news! Allah suffices you and all these Muslims who follow you."
So, Allah has told His Beloved Prophet that Allah and noble believers are his helpers.
The question arises that in the presence of Allah Ta’ala, do we need any other helper?
The scholars have explained that when it is said that “Allah is the Helper" it means direct help from Allah. When it is said "noble believers help" it means Allah is the real Helper but he has enabled and empowered noble believers to help.
Example # 2:
Considering Allah as the Sole Helper and one who is other than Allah is not Allah, so any help from anyone other than Allah cannot be taken. Even a leaf cannot move without the will of Allah. Such thoughts results in the conclusion that the Prophet of Allah is someone other than Allah so he cannot help. This is misunderstanding the Qur’an and is the wrong belief and shows that Allah cannot give power to anyone to help (Astagfirullah) is in fact, doubting Allah's power to empower any one and is denial of many verses of the Qur’an and many sayings of Prophet Muhammad (saw) .
The books of Bukhari and Muslim have proofs that on the day of judgment people will go to Prophets of Allah for help, then only Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam will say, "Come to me, I will help and will intercede for you."
If someone holds the belief that the Prophet cannot help then it is rejection of this Hadith. The Kharjees misunderstood the Qur’an and in fact did not know the real meaning of Shirk (Polytheism). Now let us understand the real meaning of Shirk.
1. Shirk in Worship.
2. Shirk in Oneness of Allah's Existence.
3. Shirk in qualities associated with Allah.
Shirk in Worship means to worship someone other than Allah, as the infidels of Makkah who had placed 360 idols in the Ka’aba for worship.
Shirk in Oneness of Allah's Existence means considering someone equal to Allah's existence (Astaghfirullah) as Zoroastrians (Majoosies) who worshipped two gods.
Shirk in qualities associated with Allah means believing someone having equal or the same qualities as Allah Ta’ala.
Alhamdulillah true Muslims are not Mushriks and do not commit any type of Shirk
Third type of Shirk needs to be understood very attentively and carefully but first we will discuss about condemnation of Shirk.
Surah e Luqman, part 21, verse 13:
‘And remember when Luqman said to his son and he was admonishing him, 'O my son, associate not any one with Allah'. 'Undoubtedly, the association with Allah is a tremendous wrong'.
Surah E Nisaa, part 5, verse 116 and 48:
“Allah forgives not that anyone be associated with Him as partner but whatever is below that He forgives to whomsoever He pleases. And whoso associates with Him any partner has indeed strayed far away.”
“Undoubtedly, Allah forgives not that infidelity be done with Him and whatever is less than infidelity forgives whomsoever He pleases, And whoso associates partners with Allah has forged a great sin.”
Surely, one who commits shirk is a sinner and will not be forgiven and will be thrown into the fire of hell and is out of the folds of Islam.
However, if someone accuses any Muslim of shirk and his accusation is unfounded and false, he himself will go out of the folds of Islam.
The main meaning of a Hadith cited in Tafseer Ibn e Katheer mentions about a person who will be frequent recitor of the Qur’an and the glow of Qur’an will be obvious on his face and Islam will be obvious in his deeds but he will lose the glow of Qur’an and light of Islam.
The companions of Rasool Allah asked, "Who is this person?" The Prophet Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam replied, "He will accuse his Muslim neighbour of committing Shirk." The companions of Rasool Allah asked, "Who is a Mushrik then?" The Prophet Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam replied, "One who calls other Muslim’s Mushrik himself will go out of the folds of Islam because a Muslim cannot commit shirk."
Shirk in worship of Allah and shirk in Oneness of Allah's existence can be easily understood but many people cannot understand Shirk in the Qualities of Allah Ta’ala which is why the Kharjees accused Hazrat Ali of committing shirk and therefore went out of the folds of Islam.
Let us try to understand the real meaning of Shirk in the Qualities of Allah Ta'ala clearly to save ourselves from misunderstanding and from misguiding doubts created by Shaitaan, as Iblees tries his level best to create confusion in our hearts.
The Holy Qur’an has many examples in which same qualities are associated with Allah and His Beloved People but Allah's qualities are His own personal qualities and are eternal and are not given by anyone else, whereas those same qualities are given to the beloved bondmen of Allah Almighty as a gift. Let us see some examples from Qur’an.
Example 1:
Surah Baqarah, verse 143:
“And thus We made you exalted among all nations that you may be witnesses to the people and this Messenger your guard and witness. And O, Beloved! We had not made that Qibla upon which you had been before, but to see who follows the Messenger and who turns back upon his heals. And verily, indeed it was hard, but to those who were guided by Allah. And it does not behave Allah that He might waste your faith: Verily Allah is very Kind and Merciful to human beings.”
Please ponder over the words "Rauf and Raheem."
Surah e Taubah, verse 128:
“Indeed there has come to you a Noble Messenger from among you - your falling into hardship aggrieves him, most concerned for your well being, for the Muslims most compassionate, most merciful.”
So we find the words "Rauf" and Raheem" in the Qur’an; they are used for Allah Ta'ala and are also used for the Prophet (saw) .
The question arises, how can the Creator and His creation have the same qualities? The Holy Qur’an is sacred and does not approve shirk in any context. However, we need to understand it correctly.
Allah is Rauf and Raheem on His own; these are Allah's personal and eternal Qualities, whereas those same qualities of "Rauf" and "Raheem" in the Prophet of Allah are given by Allah Almighty as a gift.
Allah is Rauf and Raheem eternally, whereas the Prophet is Rauf and Raheem because Allah has rewarded him with these qualities.
Allah's Qualities are personal and eternal whereas the qualities of Prophet are rewarded by Allah as a gift, thus the stature of Allah's qualities and the qualities of Prophet Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam are different, even if the words are the same; but this does not constitute shirk at all.
Example 2:
Surah E Namal, verse 65:
'Say you, 'whosoever is in the heavens and earth do not know by themselves the unseen but Allah.' And they do not know when they will be raised up.'
Surah e Jinn, part 29, verses 26-27:
‘The Knower of the unseen reveals not His secret to anyone. Except to His chosen Messengers, and appoints guard before them and behind them'’
The above mentioned verses of the Qur’an are interpreted by the scholars who explain that Allah is the real power who knows the knowledge of the unseen and Allah has given knowledge of the unseen to His Prophets as a gift.
Allah's knowledge of the unseen is eternal and is His Personal Quality and Attribute whereas the knowledge of the unseen in Prophets is gifted by Allah. Therefore, the status of knowledge of the unseen of Allah and knowledge of the unseen of Prophets is different and that is why it is not shirk.
Let us look at another example:
Example 3:
Surah E Muhammad, part 26, verse 11:
“This is because Allah is the Protector of the Muslims and the infidels have no protector.”
Surah e Tahreem, part 28, verse 4:
"Allah is his helper, and Jibra’eel, and the righteous believers and after that the angels are his helpers."
The question arises that it is said in one verse of the Qur’an that Allah is the Helper whereas it is said in another verse of the Qur’an that Hazrat Jibra’eel and righteous believers also help. In fact actual and real help comes from Allah but Allah empowers someone to help or enables Hazrat Jibra’eel and righteous believers to help otherwise without the power given by Allah, Hazrat Jibra’eel or righteous believers cannot help.
And Allah's help reaches through Hazrat Jibra’eel and righteous believers.
Surah e Al Maidah, part 6, verse 55:
“Only Allah is your friend and His Messenger and the believers that they establish the prayer and pay the poor-due and are bowed down before Allah.”
This means that Allah Almighty, His Messenger and the believers are our friends who help. Allah is the real Helper and power to help is His Personal and Eternal Quality. The Prophet Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam and the believers help with the power given by Allah.
The question arises Allah alone can help too. The fact is that Allah is Rehmaan and Raheem and He wants to elevate the stature of His Beloved Prophet Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam and also the stature of the believers to make them the source (waseela) towards Allah so that the believers can win favours of Allah through the people empowered and gifted or rewarded by Allah.
It is Allah's great blessing on His slaves that he gifts them with elevated stature and rewards and through source (waseela) of these rewarded people we can also reach our final destination Insha Allah by following Siraat e Mustaqeem, the straight path of "ANAMTA ALAIHIM" the rewarded people.
Example 4:
Surah e Shoorah, verse 49
“For Allah is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He creates whatever He likes. He bestows daughters on whomsoever He likes and He bestows sons on whomsoever He likes.”
On the other hand, Allah says in Surah Maryam, verse 19:
"He said, 'I am only a messenger of your Lord that I may give you a pure son.”
In one verse it is said sons or daughters are blessed by Allah whilst in another verse Hazrat Jibra’eel is saying to Hazrat Maryam that he is going to bless her with a son. In fact Hazrat Jibra’eel is fulfilling Allah's Order and Will and is doing this with the power given by Allah and with the permission of Allah. The real will and real order is of Allah alone that is being fulfilled through Hazrat Jibra’eel.
Surah Zumar, part 24, verse 42:
“It is Allah Who gives death to living beings at the time of their demise, and to those who do not die, during their sleep; so He restrains the soul on which the decree of death has been passed, and leaves the other till the appointed term; indeed in this are signs for people who reflect’
Surah e Sajdah, part 21, verse 11:
“Say you, 'the angel of death who has been appointed over you causes you to die, then you shall be returned to your Lord.”
In one of the above verses it is mentioned that Allah takes life (gives death) and he gives the life as well. However, in the second verse quoted above it is mentioned that the Angel Hazrat Izra'eel takes the life. There is no contradiction in the above mentioned verses. Allah has the real power of giving life or death and Angel Hazrat Izra’eel takes the life with the order of Allah and His permission.
Let us understand the concept of permission granted by Allah or “BE IZNILLAH”. All of us know that Allah cures the illnesses of sick people and Allah has power to give life to the dead but please carefully pay attention on this verse of the Qur’an:
Surah Aal e Imran, verse 49:
“And he shall be a Messenger towards the children of Israel saying this, 'I have brought to you a sign from your Lord; that I make a form out of clay like a bird for you then again breathe in it and it becomes a bird at once by the command of Allah; and I heal the born blind and the leper and I make the dead alive by the command of Allah and tell to you whatever you eat and what you store in your houses. No doubt, in these things there is a great sign for you if you believe”
It is made clear through the words of Hazrat ‘Isa Alaihis Salaam that he cures the diseases and gives life to the dead with the permission granted by Allah Ta’ala. In fact these powers are personal powers of Allah Almighty and Allah can do anything any time but the powers of the Prophets are dependent on Allah’s permission. So the difference between the Power of Allah and the powers of His Prophets is clear and both types of powers cannot be equated so that they cannot be called Shirk. (see book Qur’an Kareem aur Mayar e Hidayat).
The open enemy of muslims, Shaitaan creates doubts in the hearts of innocent simple muslims inorder to deprive them of faith and eemaan. Shaitaan creates doubts and tries to convince simple muslims that seeking help from those who are alive is not SHIRK as it is according to habit and visible resources that can be explained logically. Where as seeking help from those who are not alive is Shirk (associating partners with Allah).As such help cannot be explained logically according to laws of nature.
Simple muslims who lack knowledge and awareness of real knowledge of Quran and muslim history get entrapped by this wrong concept created by shaitaan and to prevent themselves from committing sin of SHIRK, loose their faith.
Infact, SHIRK is not associated with alive, dead, near ones or far off helpers, it is related to belief(aqeeda) that a person is considering someone else as Allah (astaghfirullah), then it is shirk and it is great sin. As Quran explains in Surah e Qasas verse 88:
“And worship not another god with Allah. There is no god besides Him. Everything is perishable save His Being. His is the command and towards Him, you shall be returned.”
The open enemy of muslims, Shaitaan creates doubts in the hearts of innocent simple muslims inorder to deprive them of faith and eemaan. Shaitaan creates doubts and tries to convince simple muslims that seeking help from those who are alive is not SHIRK as it is according to habit and visible resources that can be explained logically. Where as seeking help from those who are not alive is Shirk (associating partners with Allah).As such help cannot be explained logically according to laws of nature.
Simple muslims who lack knowledge and awareness of real knowledge of Quran and muslim history get entrapped by this wrong concept created by shaitaan and to prevent themselves from committing sin of SHIRK, loose their faith.
Infact, SHIRK is not associated with alive, dead, near ones or far off helpers, it is related to belief(aqeeda) that a person is considering someone else as Allah (astaghfirullah), then it is shirk and it is great sin. As Quran explains in Surah e Qasas verse 88:
“And worship not another god with Allah. There is no god besides Him. Everything is perishable save His Being. His is the command and towards Him, you shall be returned.”
Surely those people are deprived of hidaya or deviate from straight path or Sirat e Mustaqeem who do not understand the Qur’an correctly. They fail to understand fact and reality and they are most unfortunate sinners who put blame of shirk on Allah’s Prophets (Astaghfirullah).
The Prophet Muhammad has said, “Whoever loves me has loved Allah, whoever obeyed me has obeyed Allah.”
The hypocrites (Munafiqeens) and infidels (Kufaar) of Makkah raised an objection and said that this Prophet is forbidding us from obeying anyone else except Allah and now he is saying that his obedience is obedience of Allah and this is Shirk (Naozubillah) As Christians had equated Hazrat ‘Isa Alaihis Salaam with Allah.
The Mercy of Allah came forth to protect His Beloved Prophet in this verse of Qur’an:
Surah e Nisaa, part 5, verse 80
‘Whoso obeys the messenger, has indeed obeyed Allah, and whoso turns away his face, then We have not sent you to save them.’
The infidels blamed the Prophet that he has joined his status with status of Allah (Astaghfirullah). The hypocrites raised objections as to how love of the Prophet is also love of Allah and obedience of the Prophet is also obedience of Allah. Thus in the above mentioned verse 80 of Surah Nisaa the objections of the hypocrites is openly refuted.
The same reference is given in Tafseer e Khazan, Vol 1, page 405 and other scholars of Islam have also cited this reference.
Surely, Allah has power to elevate stature of His Beloved people whenever He wants because:
“Surely Allah can do everything” (verse 20 Surah Baqarah)
Allah can give any stature, any power to any one any time. Allah’s power of blessing gifts to his creations must not be considered limited. Allah has infinite powers and infinite gifts to bless his creations with. He empowered Hazrat Suleiman Alaihis Salaam to rule over jinns and to understand the language of birds and he could talk to fish in the ocean. Hazrat Suleiman Alaihis Salaam ruled over the entire earth. The winds obeyed him and he could fly with the winds.
Who gave him such powers? The answer is only and only Allah Almighty gave him such powers. We should have full faith in the Power and Majesty of Allah Ta’ala and should believe in whatever power He grants to His pious bondmen because Allah Ta’ala has power over all things.
(Bukhari Shareef, vol2, page 963, kitabur raqaq, babultawaza, raqam Hadith 6021, matboa qadeemi kutab khana)
Hazrat Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam narrated a Hadith e Qudsee where Allah Ta’ala said, “Whosoever keeps enmity with my friend, I declare war against him.”
What is meant by enmity with Allah’s Beloved person? It means to try to decrease the status of Allah’s Beloved person or to deny the elevated rank blessed to him by Allah or to disillusion people about him.
The scholars state that Allah snatches faith from such people at the time of their death.
According to scholars, Allah says that His Beloved person tries his level best to win Allah’s favour by performing compulsory worship (FARZ IBADAT) then he tries to become closer to Allah by performing voluntary (NAFL) worship. When his efforts are accepted Allah chooses him to be his near and dear one.
Allah Ta’ala says, “I become his ears with which he hears; I become his eyes with which he sees; I become his hands with which he holds and I become his feet with which he walks. If one who is so dear to me asks for anything from me I certainly accept his supplication.
The great scholar Allama Fakhruddin Razi Rehmatullahi Alaihi who passed away in 606 Hijri in explaining a verse of Surah Kahf says in Tafseer e Kabeer, Volume 7, page 436
He explains above mentioned verse and above mentioned Hadith e Qudsee,
(Tafseer e Kabeer, vol7, page 436, Surah Kahf, matbooa ahya ul taratul arabi, Beirut).
When a believer worships Allah with true sincerity Allah Ta’ala elevates his stature to such grand heights that Allah says ‘Allah becomes his ears and his eyes.” When light of Allah Almighty goes to his eyes, he can see the near and the distant objects. When light of Allah Almighty goes to his ears he can hear from near and far. When Allah’s light goes to his hands, Allah blesses him with extra ordinary power and he can do such extraordinary miraculous tasks that ordinary people cannot do. Such noble believers whom Allah calls His friends or Auliya are blessed with extra ordinary powers as it has been proved now by Hadith e Qudsee and Tafseer e Kabeer.
It is mentioned in the Qur’an that Queen Bilqees of Saba had a throne on which she used to sit. This throne was 80 meters in length and 40 meters in width and was embedded with diamonds and jewels. It was so far from the court of Hazrat Suleiman Alaihis salaam that it would take a person riding a horse 2 months to reach it. It was kept under strict observation and security amid seven rooms. Hazrat Suleiman Alaihis Salaam asked people in his court if anyone could bring her throne to him before she arrived as she was coming to visit him.
Surah e Namal, Part 19, verse 38
‘Sulaiman said, O chiefs, 'which is of you who may bring her throne to me before they come to me submitting.’
One of the jinns said he could do it and Hazrat Suleiman Alaihis Salaam asked him how long it would take him to do. The jinn replied he could bring the throne by the evening. Hazrat Suleiman Alaihis Salaam said he needed the throne before evening. One of the friends of Allah or Wali was present in the court and his name was Hazrat Asif bin Berkhia Rehmatullahi Alaihi:
Surah e Namal, verse 40:
“One who had knowledge of the Book said, 'I shall bring it to you before twinkling of the eye.' Then when Sulaiman saw the throne set before him said, 'this is of the grace of my Lord that He may try me whether I am grateful or ungrateful.' And whosoever is grateful is grateful for his own good. And whosoever is ungrateful, then my Lord is self-sufficient, All Virtuous.”
Thus Hazrat Asif brought the throne in an instant. Allah gave power to His Wali to help His Prophet Hazrat Suleiman Alaihis Salaam. And Allah enabled him to do it with His Permission. Hazrat Suleiman Alaihis Salaam could do it himself with the permission of Allah Ta’ala but by showing such power in his followers (Ummati), Allah wants to unveil the powers of the followers of the Prophet. Just think, if such was the power of a follower of Hazrat Suleiman Alaihis Salaam then how far greater will the power of Imaam ul Ambiya Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam and how greater would the power of the followers of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam be?
During the reign of Hazrat Abu Bakr , a person named Musailma Kazaab claimed that he was a Prophet. He had 60,000 soldiers with him. In the battle of Yammama the Muslim army was very heavily outnumbered. A time came when it seemed that Musailma Kazaab’s army was going to defeat the Muslim army. The general of the Muslim army, Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed, called upon Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam for help.
Ibn e Kathir, the famous scholar writes in Albadaya wan Nahaya, Vol 6, page 24 that, “The companions of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam were calling the Prophet Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam to seek his help.”
Just think! Who would understand the concept of Tauheed or Monotheism or Oneness of Allah more than the companions of Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam? If seeking help from Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam would be Shirk, then the companions of Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam would never have done it.
Remember! If we seek help from anyone other than Allah then we must have firm faith and belief that our helpers help with the power and permission granted by Allah (Beiznillah). Without Allah’s permission and power given by Allah no one can help. If someone thinks that anyone can help without Allah’s permission then such belief is wrong and it is shirk.
The companions of Prophet Muhammad used to seek help from Prophet with the belief that Allah helps through the intercession (waseela) of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam. And Rasool Allah himself has ordered us to follow the footsteps of his companions.
Tirmzi, Kitabul Iman ur Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam raqam Hadith, 2565.:
Prophet Muhammad has said “Bani Israel split into 72 sects. My Ummah will have 73 sects; all sects will go to hell except one. Only one sect will go to Jannah.” The companions of Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam asked “Which sect will go to Jannah?” The Prophet replied, “The sect that follows my path and the path of my companions will go to Jannah.”
The companions of Rasool Allah believed on the powers given to Rasool Allah by Allah. So who so ever wants to follow in the footsteps of the companions of Rasool Allah must accept the powers given to Rasool Allah by Allah.
Our guide (in Islamic Jurisprudence) is Imam e A’azam Abu Hanifa Rehmatullahi Ta’ala Alaihe, who is one of the pious bondmen of Allah Ta’ala. He is from amongst the Tabi’een and gained blessings and knowledge from the blessed Companions of Rasool Allah. He pleads in the court of Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam and says,
“O my Master and King of both worlds! Fulfil all my necessities and requirements. I am a meek beggar among Allah’s creations and am begging you for help.
“O Most respectable and generous one amongst Jinns and Humans! O distributor of treasures amongst the people! Shower your favours on me and make me pleased with your pleasure. Enrich me with what you have been granted.
I am hopeful of receiving from your treasures. I am a beggar at your door and Abu Hanifa has no one to turn to amongst the creations except you.
Ponder over the fact that who would have a more correct understanding and belief of the Qur’an than Imam Abu Hanifa Rehmatullahi Ta’ala Alaihe who learned directly from the companions of Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam?
Imam Abu Hanifa is begging in the court of Rasool Allah after the Prophet had left this mortal world. He is seeking help from Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam and has the same belief and faith as the companions of Rasool Allah that the Prophet helps with the permission granted by Allah.
Having obtained graces and blessings from many pious personalities, the author of Dalail el Khairaat holds a majestic and exalted position. He wrote the book on Durood Shareef centuries ago and he collected Durood sharers with great love and respect of Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam. His real name was Muhammad Bin Suleiman Jazuli. He departed from this world on 16th Rabi ul Awwal 870 AH. Dalail ul Khairaat is a very famous book; let us see some examples”
O Allah showers your blessings on our Prophet who is generous and merciful.
Our Master is the one who solves our problems.
O Allah sends blessings on our Prophet who rescues us from sorrow.
When Shaitaan sees his misguiding attempts have failed and Allah’s noble believers never think that Allah’s powers are finite, at this moment Shaitaan’s enmity is very clear. He whispers in the ears of Muslims that ‘you love the friends of Allah and seek their help to gain closeness to Allah! This was the belief of the infidels of Makkah who worshipped idols and thought that the idols would take them closer to Allah. Then what is the difference between you and the infidels of Makkah? He then cites an example from the Qur’an:
Surah E Zumar, part 23, verse3
‘Yes, the sincere exclusive devotion is to Allah only. And those who have taken for protectors other than Allah say, 'we worship them only so that they may bring us nearer to Allah'. Allah will decide among them concerning that wherein they are differing. Undoubtedly, Allah guides not him who is a great ungrateful liar.’
Do you see Shaitaan’s misguidance and ruse? The Qur’an is giving an example of the infidels of Makkah. The verse is addressed to the infidels and is not addressed to the believers. The infidels worshipped idols and thought that those lifeless idols might take them closer to Allah. The infidels of Makkah were non believers and disobeyed Allah, associated partners with Allah and committed polytheism (Shirk). However, the noble believers and friends of Allah (Auliya) worshipped Allah, never associated partners with Allah and never committed polytheism.
Allah never promised any high rank for the idols rather Allah gave the order to break the idols, whereas Allah promises high ranks to the true believers and his obedient servants. That is why the verses of the Qur’an addressed to the infidels cannot be pasted on the noble slaves of Allah and true believers.
Surely, the believers and the infidels can never be equated or can be considered the same. Qur’an forbade from going near idols but the Qur’an orders us to get closer to the true slaves of Allah, the rewarded believers and to follow their path to reach the straight path or Sirat e Mustaqeem. The Idols take us away from the straight path whereas the noble believers take us to the straight path.
The love of the Friends of Allah Ta’ala becomes the source of gaining closeness to Allah. On the other hand the Holy Qur’an clearly gives orders to break lifeless idols as these idols cannot hear or see. They can neither help nor can the decrease sorrow. The noble believers can listen and see with the permission and power given by Allah, thus they can help as well with the same strength given to them by Allah Ta’ala. The Holy Qur’an has indicated in the very first part that many people will go astray by misunderstanding the Qur’an.
Surah e Baqarah, verse 26
“Allah sends astray many by it and guides many and sends astray those by it who are disobedient.”
For those who misunderstood Qur’an, this Hadith is also proof which is narrated by Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattaab.
“Allah will elevate the stature of some people with the Qur’an and some people will be destroyed by it.”
Surely those who will understand the Qur’an correctly will get an elevated status with the light of the Qur’an. Now carefully try to understand as only those people who love Allah’s Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, through whom we got the Qur’an, truly understand the Qur’an correctly.
Those people who accuse Prophets or accuse the Prophet’s companions or accuse fellow Muslims of committing polytheism, such people will not understand the Qur’an correctly and will go astray. The reason for their misunderstanding of the Qur’an is that the verses of the Qur’an that are in fact addressed to the infidels, these people paste those verses on innocent Muslims.
The Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam warned about Kharjee people and said that they would be the worst of people. Hazrat Abdullah Ibn e Umar warned about these Kharjees also:
Sahih Bukhari, Vol 2, page 1024:
(Kharjees) are so misguided that they will assign verses of the Qur’an that are addressed to infidels upon believers.”
Such people misunderstand the Qur’an and Islam and closeness to such people takes us away from the correct belief.
Ponder over this Hadith carefully:
(Bukhari Shareef, Vol 2, page 975, Kitabur raqaq, Hadith #6102, matbooa qadeemi kutab khana Karachi)
“I swear by Allah that I have no fear that you will commit polytheism after I leave this world.”
This means that our Beloved Prophet had no fear that his Nation will commit polytheism but he did say that his people would be tempted by the love of this temporary world. Those who pay the rights of love of the Beloved Prophet Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam cannot misunderstand the Qur’an and they believe that the real helper is Allah; real rewards come from Allah but Allah distributes his rewards through the source (waseela) of His Prophet and noble believers. All powers are in the Hands of Allah but Allah’s Prophets and noble believers help with the power and permission gifted by Allah. The extra ordinary powers and miraculous tasks done by the Prophets Alaihis Salaam and the noble believers are done with the permission and power given by Allah.
Narrated by Tibraani:
It is narrated by Hazrat Utbah bin Ghazwaan that the Prophet said, “If someone amongst you loses anything or wants help but he is at a place where it seems like there is no helper he should say, ‘O slaves of Allah! Help me.’ Allah’s slaves are everywhere but they are invisible but if someone calls them for help they do help.”
The scholars say such acts do help instantly and seeking such help is correct according to Hadith.
Surah e Faatir, verse 6:
“Undoubtedly, the devil is your enemy. He only invites his party that they be among the companions of the Hell”
Shaitaan’s sole intention is to destroy us and to take us away from the straight path of rewarded people (Prophets, Truthful, Martyrs and the Pious). Shaitaan wants us to misunderstand the Qur’an and go astray. Shaitaan’s trap is to divert us towards the temporary temptations of this world. Shaitaan wants us to get lost in the transient and apparent beauty of this world and to forget the world hereafter.
Remember! This world is temporary. Those who claim to love us will leave us in a dark grave one day. Safeguard your faith and create fear of Allah and undying love of Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam in your hearts. For this we need an environment where we can learn and understand the Qur’an correctly.
With the mercy of Allah Ta’ala, every Friday, 45 minutes after Isha Prayers, two hours of Qur’anic understanding has been arranged in Noor e Qur’an Nashisht in Bahar e Shariat Masjid which is close to Bahadur abad Chorangi. In this discourse enlightening words of the Qur’an are shown with an electronic projector to enlighten our eyes and word by word translation and explanation is taught to enlighten our hearts with the light of the Qur’an. There is also separate arrangement for ladies.
My last request is that keep on offering Salatul Hajaat and beg in front of Allah Ta’ala that may He keep our souls drowned in love of Allah Ta’ala, Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, his Companions and the Friends of Allah (Auliya) to keep our faith correct like the faith of Rasool Allah ’s Companions.
O Allah I trust You and with the faith given by You I do believe in the powers given to your chosen people with Your permission. I believe in the powers of Prophets, the Companions of Rasool Allah the noble believers and the Auliya and I believe these powers are gifted to them with Your permission. I beg and request, keep me firm on my faith always. O My Lord Allah! Please accept my prayers, Ameen. (Bajahi Nabi Al Ameen)
Contact Information
Noor-e-Quran International (Hamziya Ghousia Trust)
Jama Masjid Bahar-e-Shariat, Bahadurabad
Karachi Pakistan.
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Phone: (+92)(21) 8277822
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Cell: (+92)(321)9262355
Email: bayanaat@live.com
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

ANSWER:"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Ya Ahad Ya Samad Swalli ala Muhammad. Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamah" is the only saved sect among 73 sects mentioned in Hadith as well as in Quran.
It was narrated on the authority of Abu Najih al-Irbad bin Sariyah, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said:
The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, delivered an admonition that made our hearts fearful and our eyes tearful. We said, "O Messenger of Allah, it is as if this were a farewell sermon, so advise us." He said, "I enjoin you to have Taqwa of Allah and that you listen and obey, even if a slave is made a ruler over you. He among you who lives long enough will see many differences. So for you is to observe my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-principled and rightly-guided successors, holding on to them with your molar teeth. Beware of newly-introduced matters, for every innovation (bid'ah) is an error."
[Abu Dawud & Al-Tirmidhi, who says it is an authentic hadith)
Prophet also said: "After me my Ummah will be divided in to 73 sects one of them will enter in Paradise and rest of them will go to hellfire".
"I am leaving you with 2 things when you hold to it you shall never be defeated. One is Quran and another one is the relative of my household".
My ummah will be divided into seventy three sects. All of them will be in the Fire except one?(Saheeh Muslim, no.976)
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad al-Sirhindi (d. 1034/1624; Rahimahullah) who is regarded by many people in the Indian sub-continent as a great renovator of the Tenth Islamic Century (Mujaddid alf Thani) wrote in his Maktubat (Vol. 3, Letter 38):
"It was declared in a Hadith that this Ummah would part into 73 groups, 72 of which would go to Hell. This Hadith informs us that the 72 groups will be tormented in the Fire of Hell. It does not inform us that they will remain in torment eternally. Remaining in the torment of Hell Fire eternally is for those who do not have Iman. That is, it is for disbelievers. The 72 groups, on account of their corrupt beliefs, will go to Hell and will burn as much as the corruptness of their beliefs. One group, the 73rd, will be saved from Hell Fire because their belief is not corrupt. If among the members of this one group there are those who committed evil deeds and if these evil deeds of theirs have not been forgiven through repentance or intercession, it is possible that these, too, will burn in Hell as much as their sins. All of those who are in the 72 groups will go to Hell. But none of them will remain in Hell eternally. Not all of those who are in this one group will go to Hell. Of these only those who have committed evil deeds will go to Hell. The 72 reported groups of bid'ah, which will go to Hell, should not be called disbelievers, because they are Ahl al-Qibla (people of the Qibla in prayer). But, of these, the ones who disbelieve those facts in the Deen that are indispensably required to be believed, as well as those who deny the rules of the Shari'ah which every Muslim has heard and knows, become disbelievers."
Biography of Shaykh al Islam Mawlana Ahmad al Faruqi Sirhindi (R):http://www.naqshbandi.org/
Chapter4:Sura Nisa-Verse 69:"All who obey Allah and the Messenger are in the company of those on whom is the grace of Allah-Of the Prophet(Who teach),the Sincere(lovers of Truth),the witness(who testify),and the Righteous(those who do good)Ah What a Beautiful Fellowship".
Allah saying in that Verse, all of them who obey Allah and HIS Messenger keeps the company of those on whom is the Grace of Allah,like Prophets,Siddiquns,Salihee
This verse is for all time until last day.Ask your Wahabi Scholars, how many of them keep such a high company...a beautiful fellowship?!!!
It is notable that this Vesre in Quran is from the Chapter of Women(Nisa).The chapter speaks about the relationship between man and woman as a Husband and wife without any veil between them. And next to it Allah explaining the state of a true believer (those who are in Ihsan) and his relationship with Allah,Rasool,Siddiqun,Sali
Regarding Sura Nisa: Verse-69, Wahabis do not understand the significance of intercession/madad from Prophets (PBUH),Sahabas(RA) and Saints (Awliya Allah).
I think there are more ignorant in understanding the meaning of "Hadrat". Since we address Prophets,saints and Sahabas.. With HADART/Hazret before their Name. "Hazret"Means the one who is present. They are spiritually present and available for intercession to great saints (Awliya Allah)
Wahabi shaitans may say it is about the life in hereafter...but
Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his Quran Translation mentioned it in present tense "Are in the company of" not as "will be in the company of".
This is "Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamah".
The followers of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamah are strictly adhered to one of the four Madhabs-School of Shari'a Jurisprudence (Hanafi,Shafi,Maliki, Hanbali). One of the 2 Theology and Belief Schools-Aqeedha (Ash'ari,Mathureedi), and to one or more of the School of Spiritual Sciences (Thasawwuf), or Tarikats.
So there is no disunity among the followers of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamah. They all have been Unified under the shcools of well known Thasawwuf Orders.
But sects and deviance started coming in different names in different society of Muslims.
Shi'ism, Wahhabism, Qadiyani,Ahle Hadeedth,Alhe Quran,and many subsects in this groups came as deviants.
The creed of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamah accept all 12 Imams,all 4Imams of Madhab,all 2 School of Aqeedha and all 40+Sufi Orders of the ways of Tasawwuf. In Ahlu sunna wal jamah, it is obligatory to study and practise one of the four Madhab, one for the 2 Aqeedha,and one of the 40+ schools of Tasawwuf ways (Sufi Tarikats).
Hadith Sahih al-Bukhi, "The best of the people are my generation, then those after them, then those after them"
All Sufi Orders are Originated from the Imams of Ahlu Bayth and their descendants. Notably All Sufi Orders are connected to Imam Ja'afar Sadiq (alaihissalam)-the great grandson of Prophet Muhammad alaihiswalathu wa salam.
"Amongst you my family is like Noah's ark and whosoever boards it, he shall be saved and whosoever remains, he shall be Lost." [Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal]
Sufi Orders (Tarikats) are the "Ark" Originated from the Children of Prophet (alaihiswalathu wa salam)-Imams of Ahlu Bayt and later descendants of Prophet Muhammad (alaihiswalathu wa salam)
But,Wahhabi Shaytans calling this Arks and their owners as "Mushirks and Innovators and grave worshippers and deviants.
Thus Wahhabi salafis are cursed sect!!!
Prophet Muhammad (alaihiswalathu wa salam) has compared his Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) to Noah's ark. Whoever loves and follows them will attain salvation and whoever violates their sanctity will drown. While holding the door of Holy Kaaba, Abu Dharr told that he had heard Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) say, "My family among you is like Noah's ark. He who sails in it will be safe, but he who holds back from it will perish."
Why should I say more?, you have seen many Wahhabi shaytans abusing the Awliya Allah and Shaykhs of Tasawwuf and Sufi orders, most of them are from the family of Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam.
In another place Prophet Muhammad (alaihiswalathu wa salam) said: "The parable of my Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) is that of the boat of Noah, whoever gets aboard it is saved and whoever stays away from it is drowned."
Imam al-Shafi'i also says, "O Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt)! Allah (Subhan Wa Ta'ala) has made it obligatory in the Noble Qur'an to love you. It is a matter of pride for you that without invoking blessing on you, prayer is not valid." Again he says in his verses, "After having seen that the people have chosen different ways which have led them to the Ocean of deviation and ignorance. I have, in the name of Allah (Subhan Wa Ta'ala), embarked the ship which may lead me to safety. The Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet Muhammad (alaihiswalathu wa salam) are that very ship, we have been ordered to hold fast the rope of Allah (Subhan Wa Ta'ala), and that rope is their love."
Imam Shafi'i says in his famous verses:
"Let everybody know that if the love of Muhammad's descendants means to be a Rafidi, I am a Rafidi."
Imam Shafi'i also says:
"O Ahlul Bayt! Allah has made it obligatory in the Qur'an to love you. It is a matter of pride for you that without invoking blessing on you, prayer is not valid."
Conclusion: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) sacrificed all the worldly comforts and even their lives in order to convey the true religion of Islam to us. In return of their sacrifices, we are commanded by Allah (SWT) to love them. The aim is that through their love, we follow their footsteps. We follow the true teachings of Islam taught by them, so that we live a good and decent life in this world and earn the pleasure of Allah (Subhan Wa Ta'ala) in the life hereafter.
People,Wake Up,Wake Up,Wake Up before time is up. Leave your false proud and Ego Problems and arrogance and rush to scholars and Shaikhs of Ahlu Bayt of Ahlu Sunna wal Jamah for guidance
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Sainthood (Wilayah) is always misinterpreted and attacked by "Wahhabi Shaytans"!!!
Even though Quran saying:“Beware, verily on the friends of Allah, there is no fear, nor shall they grieve.”
(Surah Yunus, Verse 62)
But Wahhabi-Salafi Shaytans saying:"Only ALLAH Know who is HIS Awliya, and they are not Sufis Saints and we can't find Awliya"!!!
hmm, very stupid ideology. One side they are saying that they can know every meaning of Quran and other side they are saying, no one can identify Awliya ALLAH, except Allah."Wahhabi-Salafi Hypocrites"!!!
But What ALLAH Has to Say to us?
Abu Huraira (radiyallahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said:
“Allah, the Exalted said… “Whoever takes a Wali of Mine an enemy, I will wage war on him;and My slave will not perform any act with which he draws closer to Me, more beloved to Me then when he fulfills what I have ordained on him;
and My salve will keep drawing closer to Me by performing the Nawafil (voluntary acts of worship) until I love him,
and when I love him, I will be his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he sees, his hands with which he strikes, and his legs with which he walks;
and if he asks Me, I will give him; and if he seeks refuge with Me, I will grant him refuge”. [Saheeh Bukharee]
The above Hadith Qudusi, also found in Imam Nawawi's 40 most High Hadiths is a clear evidence for the existence of Saints of Allah and one can recognize a Wali.
ALLAH not just punish someone who is against HIS Pious Servants, but ALLAH declare war against those who oppose Awliya ALLAH!!!
Does not matter, whether you are a scholar,leader,ignorant or laymen!, ALLAH is in war against you, not just some punishment. Understand the big difference between war and punishment!
If we can't know the Saint of Allah, then why should Allah punish/ declare war against those who oppose HIS Saints?, as no one will attack Awliya Allah knowingly!
Do Allah punish for our any kind of actions did out of ignorance?
Another Hadith saying, ALLAH has pardoned the Ummah of Prophet (alaihiswalathu wa salam) for the sins they did out of pressure and ignorance!
Ibn Abbas, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said:
"Truly Allah has for my sake pardoned the mistakes and forgetfulness of my community, and for what they have done under force or duress."
[A fine hadith related by Ibn Majah, Al-Baihaqi and others] -from Imam Nawawi's 40 Hadith collections (39)
So, Will Wahhabis say, ALLAH lying in the first hadith (Qudusi) or Prophet lying in the second Hadith?(Na'uzu Billah)!!!.
So you have been denied Awliya Allah and their associations (Sufi Orders), just like Jews denied their prophets!.
Quran Declaring: The guidance of Quran is only for those who are pious servants of Allah.
Alif L'am M'im.[1] This is the Book in which there is no doubt. (Since its Author, Allah,the Creator of this universe, possesses complete knowledge, there is no room for doubt about its contents.) It is a guide for those who are God conscious,[2]-Chapter2,Qur
Chapter4:Sura Nisa-Verse 69:"All who obey Allah and the Messenger are in the company of those on whom is the grace of Allah-Of the Prophet(Who teach),the Sincere(lovers of Truth),the witness(who testify),and the Righteous(those who do good)Ah What a Beautiful Fellowship".
The above verse testifies, Awliya ALLAH (Ulool amru,Silsila and chain of authority and leadership and spiritual lineage)
Wahhabis,It is better to compare you with Jews, as we compare Shai'as with Christians!!!
Shi'as will accept Esa alaihissalam as their leader?, or will they end up with Imam Mahdi (alaihissalam) alone?.
if Allah and Prophet is True in their words, then Wahhabis are liars!, And that is the attribute of "Munafiq" (Hypocrites)
Now,listen Wahhabi Shaytans!!!,You know what is truth and what is false, Like Jews, your arrogance and pride do not let you to surrender to the Truth and follow Awliya ALLAH.
Quran commanding to all believers to follow those pious servants who are charged with authority. 4:59. Sura Nisa: O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you.
This is the reason, Oh Wahhabi Shaytans, we calling you as Shaytans,Infidels and Hypocrites, because your Tauheed, belief (Iman) and religion (Islam) is not complete and you deny it and attack those who are on the Straight Path.
Now, Where is your wicked and bull headed so called scholars?
Can they refute the above post?, if they born for one father, call them with their crooked proofs of Shaytan ALbanee and other kind of Ahlu Jahannam!!!